I am thrilled to say that my book Web Analytics: An Hour A Day has been published and is now widely available. Thrilled is perhaps understating it, I am giddy like a schoolgirl. There I said it.
It has been such an amazing journey to write the book, and for it to come up almost exactly a year after I started this blog. All the hard work seems to be worth it when I hold my third child in my hands. Damini, Chirag and now the book! :)
The book has already been shipping from Amazon for the last week or so. Hopefully some of you have received a copy and have had a chance to browse through it, and maybe some of you polished it off in a weekend (thank you!).
I am a huge fan of This American Life (and Ira Glass), I'll borrow from their format and write this post in three parts:
Part Two: Request for help (your side of the story).
Part Three: A contest, 300 winners (the stories intersect).
You can skip forward to a part you are most interested in, but I hope you'll stay around for the entire story.
Part One: The book (my side of the story, details).
My contract was to write a book that was 250 pages, the book is now 480 pages! Beyond the thickness of the book I wanted to share some compelling reasons to consider buying the book.
Five Reasons Why You Should Buy Web Analytics: An Hour A Day:
Web Analytics: An Hour A Day for the first time provides a Practitioner's in the trenches perspective on web analytics.
- It is a book about Web Analytics 2.0.
The book will turbocharge your execution capabilities.
- Immediately actionable web analytics (your biggest worries covered).
- In 480 pages the book goes from from beginner's basics to a advanced analytics concepts.
- Bonus: Interactive CD: Contains six podcasts, one video, two web analytics metrics definitions documents and five insightful powerpoint presentations.
Please permit me to share some detail about each of the above:
Web Analytics: An Hour A Day for the first time provides a Practitioner's in the trenches perspective on web analytics.
It is chock full of real world insights, examples, actionable recommendations on every page. You'll make a direct and deep connection with what you read because the book is written by someone who has actually been there and done that in large and small organizations.
There is little beating around the bush and talking from an ivory tower. The book takes a stand on issues, makes choices and cuts through the fog/FUD, in an attempt to make your life a tiny bit easier.
It is a book about Web Analytics 2.0.
Qualitative and quantitative. Clicks and outcomes. RSS and RIA's. Experimentation & Testing (A/B, Multivariate, you name it). Competitive Intelligence (learn from your competitor's success) and Web 2.0.
Each of this Web Analytics 2.0 topic has a Why, What, How section to fuel your success.
For far too long web analytics has been relegated to the art of analyzing clicks on a site. The book, like this blog, rips up that definition and provides a expanded and more realistic business focused world view.
The book will turbocharge your execution capabilities.
The book shares insights from years of painful lessons learned, mistakes made and big leaps of faith that paid off. You'll significantly speed up your own analytics and decision making journey.
How should you approach web analytics? What should you worry about when selecting a web analytics tools? What's the optimal organization structure (and who should own web analytics!)? What to look for in great web analysts? What ideas to test first on your site? Should you hire Consultants (and if so when and what to look for and expect)?
Immediately actionable web analytics (your biggest worries covered).
The book contains a jumpstart guide for any business to get off to a flying start on day one (jump to Chapter 7), as well as for ecommerce sites or those that just do Support and of course a blogs.
You'll learn not only why Process is important but in addition you'll learn how you can apply six-sigma inspired methodologies to create your own web analytics processes and then optimize them by applying the DMAIC methodology.
Benchmarking (exactly how you can do it), impactful actionable executive dashboards (what they should contain), creating a data driven organization. All these are covered in the book in some detail.
There are approximately 205 images in the book, images the illustrate ideas, show reports and analysis, dashboards and tools, graphs and tables. Sadly the color pictures got converted into black and white, but still plenty of pictures to make concepts easier to understand.
In 480 pages the book goes from from beginner's basics to a advanced analytics concepts.
The book is for CEO's and Marketer's and Search Specialists and Web Designers and User Researchers and Website Administrators and Website Owners and HiPPO's and of course Web Analysts.
If you have no experience with Web Analytics then you'll learn what it is and the nitty gritty of data collection and core metrics such as Visits and Time on Site and Bounce Rate and Top Destinations etc.
If you have fifteen years of experience you'll still learn loads from chapters that cover holistic search analytics (internal, SEO, SEM/PPC) and Statistical Significance and Multi Channel Marketing Analytics and Advanced Conversion Rate measurement and more.
Bonus: Interactive CD.
The book contains a cd with six podcasts, one video, two web analytics metrics definitions documents and five insightful powerpoint presentations.
[If you have already received a copy and had a chance to read it, please share your own perspective via comments below.]
100% of my proceeds from the book will be donated to two of my favorite charities: The Smile Train and Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders). Not a reason to buy the book, but I am thankful that the opportunity to write the book will translate into a tiny bit of good for others.
Part Two: Request for help (your side of the story).
There are four important factors that might work against lots of sales of this book.
- I am a first time author, that surprisingly does not work in favor of any book!
- I am sadly lacking of sugar daddies. :)
- I am quite clueless about how to game the system to get on the Times / Tribune best seller lists..
- There is no order for 10,000 copies of the book waiting.
I don't plan to shamelessly flog the book in repeated posts because this blog is not about PR. The promo will be there in the right nav and I am going to resist the temptation to pepper every post with praise for my own book or mentions of my own greatness with a desire to flog more books.
So if you are up for it I would like to ask for your help:
Recommend: Please consider recommending the book to someone you know whom it might be helpful. After you read the book please point out how the book could be right for them (if it is).
- Blog / Website Reviews: If you are a blogger, and hence have a platform, please consider writing a review of the book, or otherwise mentioning it on your blog.
- Affiliate Link: If you email a link to the book or use a link on your blog please consider using www.snipurl.com/wahour. That's a redirect that goes to amazon and contains my amazon affiliate id. 100% of the revenue generated from the amazon affiliate program will also be donated.
- Marketing Ideas: Given my cluelessness when it comes to selling books, I welcome your tips / tricks / techniques / hints / suggestions about what I could do to effectively market the book.
- Amazon Review, please: Once you have the opportunity to read the book I'll be deeply appreciative if you could consider writing a review for the book on Amazon. My goal is to have 75 reviews (based on the assumption that everyone in the universe uses Amazon and hence this will work brilliantly in terms of marketing).
- Bulk Orders, pretty please: If you are in the market for 10,000 copies of an excellent web analytics book please email me (blog at kaushik dot net)! I'll be happy to do anything within legal and ethical limits in exchange. :)
This blog works because you all generously participate in the conversation, something I am already very thankful for. So please consider this to be a request and not an imposition.
Part Three: A contest, 300 winners (the stories intersect).
In true social media fashion I want to get to know the readers of my book a bit better, and we can all have some fun along the way.
I want you to send me a picture of the book with something interesting in the background. It can be a picture of the book with your pretty face. It can be with your dog. Or Grandma. Or on your lawn. Or with a historical building. Or with your child. Or your business card. Or….. Let your imagination go wild.
The first 300 people who send me a picture will get an autographed bookmark from me, with a dedication in your name (or a name of your choosing). You can email your pictures to blog at kaushik dot net, you can send a picture of any size.
I will mail the bookmarks anywhere in the world, and I'll pay for all this myself so not to worry the charities will still get 100% of the author proceeds from the sale.
The bookmark will be autographed but surely not gold plated. :) But hopefully you'll think of it as sentimental as I think of it and play along. I am sure you have a digital camera handy! :)
[UPDATES: #1: Please see the lovely photos below in comments! So nice. #2: Since the book will get later to international destinations, there is a separate contest for international. I have ordered a additional 200 bookmarks and those are reserved for the international pictures, please send in your pictures!]
I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.
I am truly excited about the book and the journey ahead.
[ PS: As you might have guessed, the pictures above are of other cover designs for the book that did not make the cut. I rather liked the lady with the laptop and cars versions. Mostly because of all the white and starkness. Do you have a favorite? ]
Hi avinash
please tell me how to buy this book in india and where i can buy this.
I love the photo idea, count me in! Time do wipe the dust off my Nikon D70, been wanting to use it more..
I took part in an art project years ago where you had to place free books in public places. I put them on display at libraries and in the windows of bookstores.
Congratulations! Avinash, iam sure it's a great feeling!
Iam in for the contest too!!
P.S: There should be a exception for "first 300" coz the book will take some time to reach india :(.
Anil Umachigi
Hi Avinash,
Great post. I received my copy of the book yesterday and dug right in. I look forward to reading it. I was wondering if you have plans to, or can make, a soft copy available. With Eric's books I've found that the one's that are available in soft copy are much more useable for reference since a searchable PDF or online file is vastly more user-friendly than an index. Just a thought, but if I had access to a PDF or an online version of the book I would probably refer to it daily, but this is more difficult to do if I have to carry the hard copy with me everywhere I go. Thanks for writing the book and donating the profits! You are an inspiration to us all.
Good luck with the book, Avinash! I've already preordered a copy :-)
My preorder arrived this weekend, but I have to finish up my current book. Your book is up next. I'm looking forward to it!
Waiting with bated (or is it baited?) breath for my copy, pre-ordered from Amazon. Since it's paid by expense account, I guess you can say it's endorsed (unofficially) by Microsoft. Now that's collaborative.
Congratulations on your publication. I can only imagine the effort required to write a book, maintain a blog, and hold a job simultaneously. It speaks both to your stamina and skill.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I relatively recently found, and have become a huge fan of, T.A.L. and Ira Glass as well. I've just started listening to the archived shows on the website. — Jaimie
Congrats, Avinash! Looking forward to digging in.
I hope to receive the book in the next days. Maybe I jump from our 19th floor with it, just to take a picture of the jump with the harbour of hamburg in the back :-)
Well, Avinash, I did have a difficult time reading your entire post with the visceral mental image of you being giddy as a schoolgirl.
It seems to me the the best way to get over the disadvantage of being a first-time author is to write another book… or three. You already have the material; just repackage what you have with relevant updates.
These could be your next three books:
"What to Say When You Talk to Your Web Analyst"
Although WA:HAD has business-critical information many decision-makers will balk at the size and scope. They would prefer a streamlined results-oriented manual.
"Web Analytics in 21 days"
All of the most lucrative technical books have been for beginners, so break out that information to market specifically.
And of course… "The Web Analytics Workbook"
Congrats, Avinash!!
Looks like it's going to be a bestseller in Web Analytics.
Please make it available in India ASAP.
I'm already reading it…not finished yet…will comment once I'm done. I'm working on mobile search and being able to tie that world back to this is crucial. Therefore, kudos to you for putting things together in a single volume.
Congrats Avinash!
I am in for the contest also, ordered my book at Amazon today. Look forward to your autograph too. As you know… that is worth a million to your Canadian fans… Wish you all the success with the new book and hope that it becomes a series of books.
Look forward to reading the book — I know it will be full of the insights, learnings and energy ::)) as conversations with you were always.
Hi Avinash
It would be good for those who are beginners in this field.
where i can get this book?
I appreciate your efforts
Fantastic – I received my book last night and can't wait to dive right in! I think it will be a well used addition to my books collection.
Got to think of an idea for my photo now…
Congrats for the "fat" baby – 480 pages!!!
I've ordered it already few weeks ago on Amazon UK but it will only be shipped next week. I hope to still make it for the photo contest. I would be so thrilled to have an autographed bookmark – I would frame it and present it proudly on my desk :-)
Congratulations Avinash. I've already ordered the book (a few weeks ago in fact as I already mentioned) but I think still no info on when it will be shipped :( So am hoping that I too will get a chance in your autographed bookmark competition :) (maybe an international one – just teasing).
You are an inspiration to me (and a very wide audience I do believe) and a beacon of clarity in your sedulous pursuit of web analytic principles that transform we way we see and act on marketing performance to make it work better. I truly do mean that.
Placed my order for the book a few minutes ago and look forward to getting it and digging in. I sent the word out to many of my peers and hopefully they will order copies as well. I hope I can get the picture to you in time as you have been an inspiration to me in many ways through your hard work on this blog. It would be a great memento!
Thanks for all of the time you place on this blog and in your book.
Hi Avinash,
Congratulations on the book. I won't say that my copies winging it's way to me as I'm in England and, as it isn't on the UK Amazon site, mines being brought over very, very slowly – which is a shame as the autographed book mark sounds cool – I second the europeon competition!
I've really enjoyed the posts and am looking fwd to reading the book.
Just put my order in at Amazon. What an unbelievable deal! You are an incredibly gracious person in everything that you do. I can't wait to receive it. Thank you for helping me to do my job better.
Please Check out these wonderful pictures from the contest:
Milana wakes up in Tennessee and decides that it is not too early to get a jump start on Web Analytics 2.0 !!
Meanwhile in Minnesota, Jeff takes wishing the book good luck to the next level – did you notice the lucky Japanese Smiling Cat? And that's the blog on one monitor and the book's Amazon page on the other!! Thanks Jeff. :)
I am so touched by both the pictures, and how very creative!
Please send in your pictures, in exchange you get a autographed bookmark. [IMPORTANT: Your privacy is of paramount importance to me, the pictures above are published only after seeking permission.]
Thanks also for all the kind words in your comments.
I am still to get the book. Just got an shipment confirmation mail from Amazon. Not a happy scene.
I am eager to get the book and dig. And probably pass my comments. But anything apart, hope you don't end the contest early. I would like to take part too.
Hey, when u write any further books please release in India too. I cant wait so long!!!!!
Hey, first 300 is not fair. It takes hell lot of time for the book to reach us here in India. By that time the number 300 will get exhausted.
Why don't you make area-wise reservation? Australasia should get its 100 at least.
I've already ordered the book a few weeks ago, but argentina is far enough to develop some patience culture.
I think that my south-american adress put me out of the contest, but I'll try my best to arrive with my photo-work anyway.
CONGRATs and "merde!, merde!, merde!"
Dear International Readers: I have ordered more bookmarks. I will reserve another 200 just for the international audience. I should have done that before, I am sorry I did not think this through.
So please be creative, send me a picture of the book with a "interesting background" and I promise to send you a autographed bookmark.
Thanks a million for your support!
So all the readers in Texas would naturally qualify for the reserved 200 bookmarks, since TX is a different country :–)
Congratulations on your book. I am just imagine the hard work and patience that might have gone in getting it ready. Admire you being so modest about this great achievement!
What has touched me more is the part that you are donating all proceeds of the book.
On a side note: You should correc the following line in the blog " hold my third child in my hands. Damini, Chirag and now the book! :)" This is your fourth child as your blog is your third :–) Just trying to give you a hard time.
Congrats again and waiting for the book to arrive – Intl. shipments take a bit longer :–)
480 pages..480 pages?? 480 pages!! How does one go from 250 to 480 pages???
You must have stolen this trick from my never-ending e-mails LOL.
I'm about to order the book and can't wait to get my hands on it!
Damn 480 pages sure sounds like a massive resource!
Thank you so much for the help today! I transcribed some of the notes and incorporated them into a "drop everything and buy this book" post.
I purchased my copy and will send along a photo too.
Just finished chapter 1. Very intuitive, approachable content and writing style. Congrats!
Oh, and I suspect you would have seen at least a 20% sales uplift if you had used the lady with the laptop cover. Maybe you can run some A/B testing with the covers for your next book.
As for the marketing ideas, I think I have a couple of them:
1) Making your book into an e-book and selling it directly from your blog (don't know if that would interfere with your contract?).
2) Approaching other authoritative industry sites and doing joint-ventures with them. They get a percentage of the sales and you (the charities gets the rest). This is a technique most information product marketers use and rave about how successful it is, if you have a great product. I think you'd have a much higher closing rate so to speak, if they know you're donating all of the money.
3)You might be able to do 2 just by giving away free copies. I think many people in related fields would be willing to sell your book from their websites just for a free copy knowing everything is gonna be donated to charity.
I think it would be important for this to package your book into an e-book, though (quick access), but it might work out well if they 'only' review it and recommend it.
I'd also suggest looking at general internet marketing/SEO(SEM) blogs, etc.. Matter of fact, I know somebody who has donated lots of money to charity before (with a well-known blog), who might be willing to review your book for a free copy of it. I'll ask him quickly.
Coming from a publishing background, I can understand the parental pride you must be feeling to hold something so concrete and complete (bound and everything)in your hands! Congratulations, Avinash! I just got my copy and am looking forward to learning and applying.
Sorry could not resist (I am thrilled about all the pictures you are sending in), two more:
Ellen from Moniforce in Holland enjoying a warm sunny dutch day catching up on some reading!
Alex, Bill, Greg, and Li in Pennsylvania take a moment out of their busy day (and away from their boss) to pose for a picture. :)
How wonderful, thanks and please keep 'em coming.
Congrats Avinash! Thanks so much for the ack. I'm totally thrilled and honored.
When will the audio book be available? It would be great if it were your voice!
If you're gonna do an audio book, it would be even greater if it was an interview-style audio book with Simon Chen:
"Avinash, Chapter one was fun, but tell me..what does Google really do with our data?" LOL.
Thanks Avinash. I hope I can be one of the first 200 international users to send the promotional pictures.
By the way, will you book be available in the book shops like LandMark, Oxford, CrossWord, Odyssy etc? Most people here are not interested in spending $12 on shipping cost.
One option can be making your book available to Landmark online (Sify). Probably they can order huge volume and store in India bringing down the shipping cost for all the Asian readers.
Can anything be done?
Congratulations for publishing your first book. I am sure it's just the first of several to come. I pre-ordered my book on Amazon about 3 weeks or a month back and recd it last week. Browsing through it y'day, I guessed it's going to be a great read.
Dear Avinash:
I spend the better part of the weekend reading your book on Web Analytics. I am a GM in an online Direct Response Marketing Company, and data analysis is the life blood of our business. Some of the caveats on the exaggerated importance of page views and the important of bounce backs were very helpful and enlightening. It certainly provides me a context to frame questions or seek solutions in a dynamic sector. I have still half of the book left to finish, but I am sure that i will reread your book in much much more detail. Thank you for your contribution.
Kindest regards
Hindol Datta
My belated congrats! I can only imagine what it must have been like to author such a tome while having a real job. Best of success with it.
Great work Avinash –
We've been reading it here for the last week!
But – the copy I got via Amazon didnt come with a CD – am I missing something?
Hi Avinash,
Nice to see your article and would definitely try to purchase your book, since its in US dollars :).
I am in to search engine marketing and Web analysis is a most important part of my work. I have used most of the tools in recent past , which are free on net. but I would like to explore those tools which are right now out of my reach like- omniture, web trends etc. if you are using the same tool , can you please tell me how it is different from other analyzers that most of the Big companies using it in their web analysis.
Awaiting your response.
Great work Avinash! I am going to order it as well. It will be a little bit complicated as I live in Poland, but I hope ieverything will be ok :)
Hi Avinash!
It was great to finally receive your book. I've been waiting for it to arrive since I placed the order back in February.
My favorite cover design is lady with the laptop, because in my office, all the members of the Media & Analytics team are women!
My book still hasn't arrived, but I spotted it in the local bookstores and my kids posed with it:
I'm looking for a book on web analytics and yours seems to be a good fit. Quick question though: Is this just another "use google analytics" book? I prefer not using a 3rd party for analytics (prefer server based) and I don't want to give Google access to my traffic data. Is your book a good fit for what I'm looking for?
TIA–and Congrats on your new book :)
Terry: The book is does not recommend tools. It is a book about how to think about web analytics, how to create a successful web analytics strategy for your company, what kinds of people you need, how to build a process around your analytics, how to apply the Trinity strategy and execution capability, and more.
It outlines all the hard work you need to do, in bite size chunks, in order to move beyond metrics and kpi's to actionable insights.
I encourage you to check out the expanded book description on Amazon and the user reviews.
Thanks for your interest.
This is an awesome book – great job Avinash! I made sure to leave my review and encourage all of you who enjoyed the book as much as I did to do the same!
Avinash –
I received my copy of your book from Amazon last week. Have been reading the first few chapters. Beautiful job my friend. I'll be sure to stage your blog on my blog site to help promote it!
All the best,
Hi Avinash
Got my book on Friday last – enjoying the book thoroughly. Already gone through 250 pages. Can't wait to finish.
Thanks for sharing valuable insights from your experience. Very helpful.
Congratulations on your publishing endeavour. This will enable you to reach out to and continue assisting many people to grasp useful ideas. I value your blog and encourage you to keep right on encouraging people your own way.
Thanx Avinash …my copy arrived from Amazon yesterday only and since then i have been totally into the writings … already comleted two chapters …thanx again…
I have no idea, from where I can buy this book being in bangalore? Any help please.
I think the thing with web analytics is that you can spend too long over analysing things. Stats are important as long as you know what to look for and what to do with the information.
I have just placed an order! I am into Online Marketing and using google analytics since last 3 years ….. I am not sure this book will add more value to my knowledge.
I need to read this book for sure.
Hi Avinash,
I tried to purchase it in India through Jaico but they are out of print. Where else can I purchase it in India?
Bought it, got it, loving it.
Just bought it, read it today, and found it so practical and useful – it really helped me as the business person, not the analyst. And I found the CD "bonus tracks" very valuable too. You have such a wonderful voice and writing style – very accessible, very practical, very actionable!
Interesting book. Very useful and full of practical tips on today’s web analytics challenges and opportunities. A step by step guidance is presented for people who need a web analytical strategy to succeed.
Very useful and full of practical tips on today's web analytics challenges and opportunities.
Hi, the book seems like a MUST READ but as I live in the UK im not sure if the book is available here. If the book is available in the UK or if there is a UK based website able to provide the book please post some details.
Many Thanks
From where I can get this book in India?
I was very impressed with this book.
I have just come accross this book and the information is brillant, please keep researching and writing
I found this book very interesting. I recommended it to my friend who just got into this field of web analytics.
Thanks and keep writing!
I was looking to buy this book and went to Flipkart. However, this review really discourages me from buying it – http://www.flipkart.com/reviews/RVJZV73BBL5NWQYO2
Any comments on the printing and quality of the Indian edition of your book?
Aneesha: I'm afraid the quality of the book is what the local publisher choose to go with. I'm sorry that the experience of that reader was not optimal.
I hope that regardless of the quality of printing the knowledge contained in the book was of value.
This is not an option for everyone but the English editions published in the US and the UK for both my books have good quality printing.
All the best!
Is your book published in Europe? I can't find it anywhere?
Greet: You can buy the book on many local amazon sites. For example:
If you have some experience in digital, I recommend you skip to the second book and buy that one instead. Here's a link:
Good luck!
Not read yet 7 yrs gap i am starting from scratch.
Looking forward to buying this.
Actually not a perspective but a question: I have bought Web Analytics: 2.0 The art of […]. Would this previously published book still have added value?
Grietje: If you have the second book, you are all set, you don't have to buy the new one.
Checkout some of the posts over the last year in this blog, that will be a good companion to the WA 2.0.