Shortest post in the history of the blog.
Two quick thoughts.
I am a MBA (Go Buckeyes!) and cherish the learnings I got from my experience. Hence it is a tremendous pleasure to get the opportunity to teach at Universities. I have done University of Utah, I have a couple chances at Stanford University in the next two weeks.
But I am most excited about the chance to speak and teach at the University of Virginia's Darden School of Business (Oct 21 – 24).
The Online Marketing Update @ Darden is going to help Managers, Senior Executives and MBA's (and you?) a chance to understand web marketing from a strategic perspective from some of the best minds.
Check out the program, even better check out the course faculty!
My new little baby is live now, check out: Can you feel the "papa pride"? :) Please wish our little venture good luck.
Here again check out the assembled faculty: Todd Malicoat, John Marshall, Greg Jarboe, Jamie O'Donnell, Michael Stebbins, Alan Rimm-Kaufman, and Matt Bailey.
They all meet two criteria:
# 1: They are thought leaders in their space and simply the best (notice me praising my co-founders!! :).
# 2: They are all super nice people (life is short, it is good to work with nice people!).
Thanks for listening, I really appreciate your time.
Avinash: Congratulations on the your market motive venture going live. I am sure you have the best wishes of all your blog readers.
Neil Patel is nice, but how does black hat scams help, "Managers, Senior Executives and MBA’s (and you?) a chance to understand web marketing from a strategic perspective" ???
I think he should graduate first.
Johnny : I admit I did not get your comment completely, so I apologize. But……
I am for graduation (P M this is for you!) and completing your university education, if nothing else it is a great life experience (one that will never come back again, so enjoy). Yet it is not mandatory.
I have had one person go with me to every job I had in the last ten years, he has been with me almost as long as my wife, and he never finished university. You would be lucky to have him as a part of any team.
On the other point, I don't know the context to reference to black hat stuff but don't you think that people would be much better off knowing what not to do! :)