Strategic Marketing Analytics: CMO Dashboards That Rock!

An extraordinary amount of time, effort, $$$ are spent on building dashboards/scorecards for CMOs… Yet, the end result, nearly always, is a useless data puke. It turns out boiling the ocean is hard. To build an effective big picture scorecard for the CMO, that is not data pukey, there are three crucial challenges that have to be solved: Represent the full span of the CMO’s world. Marketing broadly tends to obsess about Paid Media, they have to care about Owned and Earned Media as well – the latter will be the source of 70% – 75% of the incremental conversions! Deliver a roughly apples-to-apples comparison. How do you compare $10…

Keep reading: Strategic Marketing Analytics: CMO Dashboards That Rock! »

Transform Data's Impact: Pick The Right Success KPI!

Your analysis provides clear data that the campaign was a (glorious) failure. It could not be clearer. The KPI you chose for your brand campaign was Trust, it had a pre-set target of +5. The post-campaign analysis that compares performance across Test & Control cells shows that Trust did not move at all. (Suspiciously, there are indications that in a handful of Test DMAs it might have gone down!) Every so often, the story is just as simple as that. You do the best you can with a marketing campaign (creative, audience, targeting, channels, media plan elements like duration, reach, frequency, media delivery quality elements like AVOC, Viewability, etc.), and…

Keep reading: Transform Data's Impact: Pick The Right Success KPI! »