Thirty Days In Numbers (how to measure blog success)

Measuring success is hard for any website. Perhaps it is the hardest thing to do. You have to first know what success looks like. What are your objectives, who are your customers, what tools do you have, your goals, your competition, data sources and understanding nuance and complexity. Even for a small not very relevant blog such as this measuring success is complex.

(It is important to emphasize that one month is not a lot of time to have been blogging, especially in the complex and sophisticated world of the blogosphere. Survival is hard, takes a lot of commitment and few survive even six months. But I am a new blogger and…

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Top Ranked Web Analytics Blogs

A simple process of trying to create a Top 10 list of Analytics blogs can be complex, here is the story (with some reporting tips sprinkled in).

Of the 44.2 million (!!) blogs out there today 0.00013% from the field of "web analytics". I wanted to create a list of the top 10 web analytics blogs both to satiate my curiosity and also to create a handy list of resources for people interested in web analytics.

The process of coming up with the list was fraught with decisions similar to what we might run into while creating a web analytics report. What tool to use? How to identify relevant blogs (remember as of…

Keep reading: Top Ranked Web Analytics Blogs »