Seven Steps to Creating a Data Driven Decision Making Culture.

The title of my presentation at the Washington DC Emetrics summit was: Creating a Data Driven Web Decision Making Culture – Lessons, Tips, Insights from a Practitioner.

My hope was to share tips and insights that might help companies move from just having lots and lots of data to creating cultures where decisions are made not on gut-feel, or the proverbial seat of the pants, but rather based on data.

In this post I hope to share the essence of some of the main ideas communicated in the speech. The format is: words from the slide followed by a short narrative on the core message of the slide. Hope you find it…

Keep reading: Seven Steps to Creating a Data Driven Decision Making Culture. »

Emetrics Summit Reflections: Peacocks, Woodpeckers, World Bank, Lifetime Value & Click Fraud.

The Finlay-Sterne show (as I shall refer to the emetrics summit from now on – you’re welcome Matt : )) in Washington DC was rousing success. More attendees, more tracks, more speakers, wonderful weather, nice hotel. How could it not be a great success? [Jim: I have to admit I will miss the wonderful Santa Barbara Four Seasons food.]

In his keynote our host Jim Sterne encouraged all of us to  1) ask a lot of questions of the presenters and 2) identify two specific actionable insights that we can take back and implement. Given that the conference covered seven topics in four concurrent tracks for a total of fifty…

Keep reading: Emetrics Summit Reflections: Peacocks, Woodpeckers, World Bank, Lifetime Value & Click Fraud. »