Is Real-Time Analytics Really Relevant?

It seems that every good web analyst / practitioner / director / vp’s wish list of a perfect web analytics tool starts with a desire to get “real-time” data.

The thought being that with the fast pace of the web and everything changing all the time getting real-time data is mandatory to being able to take advantage of all that the web has to offer from its ability to cough up so much data.

This customer desire seems to be so pervasive that every little and big web analytics vendor prominently advertises how real-time their data is. Someone says I can do every five hours, the next guy says…

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Hello, My Name is Avinash. What is Unique About You?

At conferences and summits there are always a lot of vendors and I imagine these events are really hard for them. Two reasons:

1) They have to stand out in a large crowd. 2) They have to do #1 when the most get is two to five mins with each person who stops at their booth.

But from a customers perspective this is a very interesting situation because it might be easy to see how good each vendor is by how they react to this high pressure environment.

I took some time at the recent emetrics summit in Washington DC to get to know all the vendors who had booths in the exhibition area. I…

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